Public speaking training in Singapore and beyond – benefit from over 40 years’ combined experience
As you climb the corporate ladder, your ability to persuade people and communicate with confidence becomes incredibly important; especially when you need to influence your co-workers, clients and potential investors. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced speaker looking for a boost, benefit from the 40 year’s combined experience that we bring to presentation training in Singapore, ASEAN and beyond.
And because we are communication experts, we know it’s impossible to get the most from your presentation skills training if you’re always sitting behind a desk. That’s why we make our programs creative, interactive and hands-on, giving you the chance to practice your presentation skills in a safe, supportive and rewarding space.
Our Persuasive Speaking program takes you and your team through both individual and group exercises designed to reframe your ability to communicate with confidence. We provide you with a clear, repeatable structure you can use to plan and rehearse your presentations, whatever their scale.
We achieve this through our unique 3D System, which covers the essentials of public speaking training. These include:
• Developing clear, memorable and persuasive arguments for your audience.
• Creating personal stories that make your message clear and forge a lasting human connection.
• Enhancing your physical delivery, making it more expressive, relatable and engaging.
Our 3D System not only sharpens your public speaking skills; it can help you make an unforgettable impression on your audience, whether you are delivering public speaking in Singapore or in events across the world.
Our presentation skills course in Singapore – tailored to fit your company culture
Our training methods and materials are the product of several years’ refinement working with a wide range of clients. However, we do not set them in stone; all our presentation skills course have the flexibility to reflect your company culture. We work closely with our clients, developing relevant case studies and activities that align with their specific needs. We want to ensure that you and your team get the most from our training, getting the tools you need to deliver all kinds of presentations.
PowerPoint presentation skills that complement your confident delivery
And if you are delivering a high-stakes presentation, you’ll need a slide deck that illuminates your ideas, not confuses your audience. Luckily, we partner with one of the best slide design agencies in the business, making our PowerPoint presentation skills training a logical, imaginative and focussed experience.
Follow-up coaching options – for a special price
While all our programs include comprehensive materials you can use to inspire your future presentations, there’s often no substitute for a personal touch. For a special price compared to our regular coaching, we can enhance your Persuasive Speaking program with follow-up coaching sessions for individuals or small groups.
Working with the same trainer who delivered the program, you and your team can receive more in-depth, personalised coaching and assessment, based on presentations you need to give every day.
Talk to us and discover how our presentation training programs in Singapore and the ASEAN region can add more power, flair and persuasion to your presentations.