Speak Well With Minimal Preparation
Confident public speaking doesn’t always involve standing in front of a sizeable audience with PowerPoint slides teeming with colourful pie charts, graphs and stock images. Most of the speaking we do is unscripted, immediate and perhaps even a little bit raw. Examples of this include the spontaneous comments we make in a meeting or the unprompted encouragement we give to a team member.
For the Speak At A Moment’s Notice program, we combine accessible public speaking training with improvisation techniques used by actors to generate new ideas. While they demand creativity, they don’t require you to have the range of Meryl Streep or Anil Kapoor to succeed. Instead, the techniques we use are fun, memorable and can directly relate to the moments you communicate at work.
Presented as a three-hour workshop or a day’s training, Speak At A Moment’s Notice gives you the confidence to communicate with minimal preparation in many different situations. Talk to us to find out how a presentation skills course can help you can speak unscripted with success.