Enhance Innovation –
Creativity Training in Singapore and Beyond
The world’s most dynamic companies understand that innovation and creativity don’t just happen when they happen. Instead, they must be nurtured and programmed directly into your firm’s DNA.
Hit the ground running with Enhance Innovation, customisable creative thinking courses that feature theatre games, brainstorming techniques, and online tools that help you generate original ideas and initiate positive change.
Enhance Innovation vs Applied Design Thinking:
What’s The Difference?
Our Enhance Innovation programmes aim to unlock the creative potential of individuals, teams and organisations. These creativity training courses explore design thinking exercises but don’t strictly focus on the design thinking training. Instead, they invite you to experiment with techniques from theatre, cinema and the visual arts, finding renewed inspiration in your work and life.
Spark Original Ideas in 5 Steps
Get started with our foundation creativity workshop in Singapore and ASEAN, delivered as a two-day personalised course or immersive team-building experience. For the team-building version of the programme, you and your colleagues explore the principles of innovation by devising original short plays in groups. Theatre becomes a metaphor for creativity through acting, improvisation, and scene-building exercises.
For the personalised version of this creativity training course, you and your team use a 5-Step Process to focus on specific work or life goals:
1. Document
First, we must gather data, observations and insights to ignite the innovation training process. With proper guidance, this step can be creative and rewarding.
During COVID-19, over 40 students from Nanyang Polytechnic’s six schools worked with us to develop ideas for new clubs and societies serving 14,000 learners. The selected students collaborated via Zoom, and Miro, an interactive whiteboarding platform. The students broke into small groups and used design thinking exercises to collect and analyse vital information.
2. Daydream
When facing a challenge, the first solutions you think of are rarely creative. Overcoming this obstacle, we take you through a structured daydreaming journey, helping you transform freewheeling thoughts into original, actionable ideas. Your daydreams might seem crazy at first, but with reflection and refinement, they can become a crucial driver of your success.
For example, the groups at Nanyang Polytechnic used brainstorming techniques and mind maps to develop student-run initiatives like farm-to-fork dining and podcast production.
Like these students, we support your daydreaming with exercise templates, including step-by-step instructions. We also show you how to upload these templates onto Miro, allowing you to work alone or with global partners in real-time. The hands-on support you receive in our creative thinking courses ensures you get the most out of your daydreams.
3. Design
The Enhance Innovation programme uses intuitive design thinking exercises to help you plan and prototype your ideas in progress.
For Nanyang Polytechnic, student groups used design thinking templates on Miro to ensure their ideas addressed the school community’s needs. They also explored business storytelling course that helped them visualise how students would use their solutions. The groups’ proposed ideas included a student-devised app matching their peers with co-curricular activities.
Finally, each group developed basic prototypes, allowing students and faculty members to see their potential solutions.
Whether you’re training online or in person, we supply all the resources, materials and guidance you need to start designing your vision from scratch.
4. Present
Once you and your group have refined a potential idea, it’s time to pitch it persuasively to your trainer, colleagues and leaders. You will learn sketch-noting, storyboarding, and other structuring techniques to prepare your presentations. These skills will give your solution a sharper focus and complement your stories about how they help specific people. And once your training is complete, you can use these skills to enhance the persuasive impact of your work presentations and slide designs.
Your group will also be involved in a Q&A session with your trainer and the rest of the team. These presentations allow ideas to be stress-tested and improved in a supportive environment.
For the Nanyang Polytechnic programme, student groups pitched their proposed ideas as part of a competition balancing the quality of their ideas with the strength of their presentations.
5. Refine
After delivering their presentations, each group improves their ideas, building on constructive feedback from the trainer and the rest of the team. This step proves it’s essential to exchange ideas with trusted stakeholders without experiencing rejection or censorship. Building an innovative culture within your company encourages growth and ensures that its best people feel valued.
Benefit From Follow-Up Coaching Support
Once you’ve completed our foundation in innovation training, you can keep building on your teams’ ideas by choosing Follow-Up Coaching Support. This option allows participants to expand on the programme’s learning points and apply them to their everyday work.
After the programme, participants can access their trainer via Loom, an asynchronous video messaging platform. This platform allows participants to receive guidance on emerging ideas for up to one month following the completion of the workshops. You can also utilise this training as part of a company-wide creativity project.
Talk to us to discover how we can organise your creativity workshop Singapore and beyond!